Saturday, October 31, 2009


Ok, so here's the probelm! I CAN'T GET THE DANG WATER OUTTA MY DANG EARS AFTER I GO SWIMMING! It's so annoying! I have tried everything! I even tried these ear drops, using Q-Tips, jumping up and down on one foot while tapping on my ear!! BUT NOTHING WORKS! PEOPLE I NEED A WAY TO GET ALL THE STUPID WATER OUT OF MY EARS!! I'm just so frustrated (not because I'm crazy!) but because last year my ears hurted really badly and I couldn't sleep. And if you think that isn't so bad. One morning I woke up and found blood on my pillow! GUESS WHAT?!?! My ears were bleeding and blood was dripping out of my ears! So please help me and tell me a EASY, PAINLESS WAY THAT WORKS ALL THE TIME TO GET RID OF ALL THE WATER IN MY EARS!!! PLEASE!

~*~THANK YOU!!!~*~
My Dr. said 1/2 hydrogen peroxide, 1/2 acholol and put in ear.
Trapped water causes infection.
Sounds like swimmer's ear. You said you are using the ear drops, which, if they are what I think they are, will help reduce your chance of an outer ear infection. Another alternative is ear plugs when you swim, but you should not use these until you have talked to a doctor about the problem.
Try using a swim cap.

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