Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Anaemia?!? Good foods to eat to help cure this?? I've just been told I have this, grr!!?

There are 3 common types of anaemia, all of which need confirmation by blood test. Iron, B12 and folate deficiency. Plus some rarer types. Treatment would depend on which of these you have and the cause, intake,loss or malabsorption.
Anything with tons of Iron!!
Red meat has alot of iron in it. At real cast iron skillet will also put iron into your food.
red meat
spinach (this is lovely raw in salads)take care x
Iron rich foods are what you need.
Spinach would be my choice, but liver is excellent too - but maybe you are vegetarian.
red meat . eggs. and the doc should have given you iron tablets
Red meat, Cabbage, Broccoli, liver, kidneys and other green veg. You could also take an iron supplement although i assume the GP prescribed you one?
you need iron -- didn't your doctor give you iron pills? If not you can get them at a health food store or any place that sells supplements.
iron-rich foods, like spinach, red meats, raisins...for a "quick" jump, there are iron supplements available as well; natural source is absorbed better by your body, if you have a choice.
anything that is high in iron or folic acid, foods include broccoli, any dark green leafy veg. bran, you can just get some multi vitamins that contain iron...
Spinach, an iron suplement, use a cast iron skillet and metal utencils to cook with, orange juice, etc.
lean red meat, turkey, liver, leafy green vegetable especially things like broccoli, spinach, water cress, brown rice, tofu, beans, lentils, chickpeas, pumpkin seeds, avocado, eggs, fish such as sardines and tune, wholewheat breads and cereals, dried fruite like apricot, raisins and prunes, nuts
i have iron deficient anemia so my mom has a juicer and i juice spinach and other green veggies. no it doesn't taste good but i feel 10x better and am not fatigued all the time like before. my mom adds in an apple to help with the taste :) we do this 2x a day and each juice has 8 oz in it. just chug it and its not too bad really. look online for good juicing recipes.
It is not such a big deal, I think you only need to increase your iron intake.
Please see this article for advice on what to eat.
(u could also take a supplement to make sure you're getting enough iron).

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