Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Am i ok - i was running for the bus..?

my ankle twisted and i fell now it hurts to walk and i cant bend my foot backward. not that i cant move my foot where it's connected to my ankle but i can't curl my foot backward. i'm sure i didn't break it but wat should i do?
remember RICE. Rest Ice Compression Elevation. :]
Make an appoitment with your doctor as soon as possible.
i hope no one saw that. tell your mom.
Sounds like a bad sprain but check with your doctor to make sure, and to get advice on what to do to look after yourself.
elevate your foot and take an anti-inflammatory like ibuprofen for the pain. if swollen soak in cold water and then elevate.frozen peas on an elevated foot also help to alleviate pain.
You could have a chipped or cracked bone. You need to have it X-rayed and let a doctor look at it.
Tam has given you the right answer in my opinion. The sooner you take anti-infammatory and elevate and rest and ice.. the better.the sooner you will recover.
restput ice on ithapppened to me it should clear in like a week

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