Sunday, October 25, 2009

Achilles Tendonitis treatment?

I have a mild case of Achilles Tendonitis. Other than resting, what can I do to heal up so I can get back on the treadmill?
Generally with achilles tendinitis resting is a must. Other helpful treatments are taking an over the counter anti-inflammatory (Advil, Aleve, etc) as directed on the bottle, gentle stretching of the gastroc/soleus (calf muscles), and icing. The best method to icing the achilles tendon is to fill a paper cup half full with water, freeze it, peel back the cup to expose half of the ice, and rub the ice on the achilles tendon for 3-5 mins until numb. If this doesn't work in the next 10-14 days then go see a orthopedic doctor and get a referral for physical therapy.
Use ice for 10 to 15 minutes a few times a day. Take some anti-inflammatory. Warm up easy and well before exercising, cool down and do gentle stretching. Since the tendons have a limited blood flow it takes longer to heal than muscles.
use anti-inflammatory e.g. aspirin, but check for contra indication first e.g. stomach ulcer
ask a sports doc he will help you
Consult a sports clinic specialist and let him assess the extent of your injuries. He would be able to advise you what you can or cannot do so as not to further aggravate your current situation.

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