Saturday, October 31, 2009

All day hangover cure?

Big party last night. I drank a bottle of Captain Morgan's to myself and then did numerous shots of Ketel One. I crashed around 4 am, woke up about 2 pm-still drunk. I took 3 tylenol and a prilosec-went back to sleep. Woke up at 4pm and ate a little chicken and dumplings soup-got sick-went back to sleep. Woke up at 5pm-took a shower. I am still sick-achey, sick to my stomach, and moving very slow. I'm going to another party tonight at 11 and want to be better by then (don't worry-I wont be drinking tonight). Any ideas?
gatorade/ sudden movements/sleep...greasy food...thats the best you can do...I wish I partied with you last night girl...damn you had fun!!
best hangover cure ever: smoke potif your not into that, have a beer, it sounds gross and un appealing, but trust me, that hangover will be gone INSTANTLY.if THATS not appealing, drink lots of water. being hungover is ALWAYS just dehydration
Water. All alcohol does is dehydrate you and thats what gives you that drunk feeking. You need to rehydrate. Works for me everytime.
Ibuprofen is pretty good...and drink lots of water.
The best way to not end up with a hangover, other then not drinking so much, is to take some Tylenol and a big glass of water right before you hangover, I promise
Your body is telling you that you need rest. I'm not one to be preaching to anyone but we know if you party again tonight, you'll drink to feel better.
coffee is good. when i have hangovers i drink hot cofee it helps
EEEE.. Captain Morgan always makes me set sail without reaching dry land! Ha ha.. I hate drinking that drink because it always gets me dehydrated. The best thing to do when you drink, is to drink LOTS of water before you pass out / go to bed. And then when you wake up, drink more water. They say that eating bread helps too, but honestly, when your hung over you don't really feel like eating anything. Just get plenty of rest and drink a lot of water! Hope you feel better soon.
I find the best way to not have a hangover is when I get home from partying to drink a few glasses of water, and get enough sleep. Even if it means sleeping half of the next day. Works for me though!
drink as much plain water as you can. avoid anything that chicken soup. you're dehydrated. fix that and you'll feel better
eat some food, or have another beer. you'd feel much better.
if you are feeling weak/ hungry
and you have that feeling like crap im gonna throw all this up then eat very S L O W L Y that ALWAYS helps
and dont' eat crap food
try to eat healthy
lots of waterrr!
and for me just a ton of sleep helps and showering in colder water helps wake me upp too!
What you have is a little more severe than your average hangover. You have alcohol poisoning, and the only thing you can do for that is flush it from your system. Drink lots and lots and lots of water. Vomit if you have the urge. Then lay off the binge drinking. It can really kill you.Happy graduation.
Big mistake to take tylenol or aspirin for that matter because your liver is still in metabolizing mode and the mixture of alcohol and acetaminophen increases your risk of liver failure. The best solution is lots of water to flush the alcohol out of the system and to rehydrate the body, since alcohol is a major dehydrator, or you can drink an energy drink or vitamin water to help boost your energy level and get you back into shape. Slow down on the drinks hun.
okay, i know this sounds weird but to prevent hangover.. eat a tablespoon of honey before bed, it is an antioxidant, drink lots of water before sleep too. for hangover eat a banana, they are loaded with potassium and fill your belly too. drink lots of water and have a beer, nothing like hair of the dog. do not get carried away by drinking too many drinks on your hangover because you will just be worse off tomorrow. have fun babe!

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