Sunday, October 25, 2009

Acl reconstruction complications?

im going on my 6th week since acl surgery. im still on crutches and can't get leg all straight and can't bend past 105 degrees yet. am i way behind or am i ok. how long till i can walk again. im kinda getting frusterated and can't wait to get back to normal.
You are way should have been off crutches in the first 2 wks, you should be able to get your knee all the way straight at this point, and your bending motion should be 120 degrees or more by 4 wks. Are you receiving physical therapy? If not then you need to start ASAP...if so then you and/or your PT is not doing a very good job at the rehab. If you dont get it all the way straight soon then you may never walk "normal" ever again without going through another surgery to remove scar tissue. Its the scar tissue that is limiting the range of motion.

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