Sunday, October 25, 2009

A male teenager crash diets; asa result the muscles weaken and his spine curves...what will be the effects?

later on?
Go see your doctor. Scoliosis, kyphosis, or lordosis (the words describe the shape of spine curve) all produce knock on effects on other joints, particularly scoliosis where the hips, knees and shoulders can all suffer badly. Pinched nerves at the spine can produce other problems such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Scoliosis etc need expert help, though I found a chiropractor better for the actual recovery programme. Left untreated, the curve becomes permanent.
The GP is important because there may be mental health problems here. Certainly the youngster needs expert advice on what constitutes safe dieting, and diet in particular. Rehabilitation exercise may be advised by the GP.
In young women, such drastic dieting can produce osteoporosis, a condition associated with menopause or the elderly, where bones are more labile to break. It may affect him too, I don't know.
You might try contacting BEAT (was eating disorders association) Tel 0845 634 1414
A crash diet is a diet which is extreme in its deprivations - typically severely restricting calorie intake. Meant to achieve rapid weight loss, a crash diet differs from outright starvation only slightly. Crash diets are typically unhealthy and are rarely - if ever - recommended by doctors or dietitians. Crash diets can lead to malnutrition, and are not a recommended means of weight loss.After a person discontinues a crash diet, the "yo-yo effect" is often seen. This causes a person to eat far more than normal, causing them to regain both the weight that was lost due to the diet as well as additional weight. This is caused by an evolutionary trait of the human race that historically only took effect in times of famine: after a famine ended, people's bodies naturally craved to regain both the weight that was lost, plus additional weight as well, in order to protect themselves in case of another famine.An example crash diet consists of a daily intake of 4 glasses of skim milk, 4 bananas, and 1 vitamin capsule; a boiled egg may be substituted for a banana. Also, large amounts of caffeine.

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