Saturday, October 31, 2009

Ahhh my finger!!!!!!?

ok so 2 weeks ago i was playing basketball at school, someone threw the ball at me to catch it, my pinky got smashed by the basket ball really hard! it hurt for about 1 week but it just swoll up and now the pain is going away but the bone is still not in place its sort of sticking out alittle but if i push my finger it goes straight, what should i do?? my mom says that i should go to the doctor so he can break my finger and put it back in place and i dont want to go! please help!!
you should most definitely go to the doctor...they can take an x-ray an make sure nothing is seriously wrong with they may be able to give you some pain medication to take the edge off
you need to do what your mom says. if the bone is not fully put back into place it can cause problems in the future such as growing and you use of that finger will be limited. just breathe and hope that maybe he wont have to break it.
well live with it the way it is,it wont go straight on it's own or go have it rebroken and splinted until it heals. If you had gone in when it happened they woould of splinted it for about four weeks and it would be fine. Next time it happens if it does walgreens sells finger splints and tape you can do it yourself.
You should definitely go on to the doctor. It will not be as bad as you think. That does not sound like a broken bone. It can probably be fixed right away without all of the pain you are thinking there is going to be.
You should have went to the doctor when it happened, your finger was broke and now it is healing like that. Since the bone still moves maybe they can put a cast or splint on it to put it back in place, it doesn't sound like it needs re-broken. I know you don't wanna go, but you should let the doc take a look at it... Good Luck!!
Go to the doctor as fast as possible. Get x-ray and know the main problem. Maybe you're not feeling any big problem in young ages, but if you grow older you'll know the effect. It's very painful!

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